4 months agoNew Feature: Set Default Auto-Classification Hours for Your Team!by TripLog SupportWebWe’re excited to introduce a new feature for organizations using our Enterprise plan: the ability to set and lock your team’s default working hours for automatic trip classifications! Admins can now define specific work days and hours
7 months agoTripLog App Design Refreshby TripLog SupportAndroidiOSApp UsersWe're thrilled to announce a fresh new look for the TripLog app! We've given the TripLog app a visual refresh, creating a more contemporary look while maintaining the user-friendly interface you know and love. Simply update your TripLog
10 months agoDark Mode Now Available for the TripLog App!by TripLog SupportAndroidiOSApp UsersWe're excited to announce a new update to the TripLog app: Dark Mode! Key benefits of dark mode: Eye-friendly: Perfect for low-light conditions, dark mode reduces eye strain, making using TripLog easier on the eyes during nighttime use or