timestamp1732643205089New Feature: Set Default Auto-Classification Hours for Your Team!by TripLog SupportWebWe’re excited to introduce a new feature for organizations using our Enterprise plan: the ability to set and lock your team’s default working hours for automatic trip classifications! Admins can now define specific work days and hours
timestamp1724883961500TripLog App Design Refreshby TripLog SupportAndroidiOSApp UsersWe're thrilled to announce a fresh new look for the TripLog app! We've given the TripLog app a visual refresh, creating a more contemporary look while maintaining the user-friendly interface you know and love. Simply update your TripLog
timestamp1715037452324Dark Mode Now Available for the TripLog App!by TripLog SupportAndroidiOSApp UsersWe're excited to announce a new update to the TripLog app: Dark Mode! Key benefits of dark mode: Eye-friendly: Perfect for low-light conditions, dark mode reduces eye strain, making using TripLog easier on the eyes during nighttime use or
timestamp1714153559686Dashboard Navigation Design Updateby TripLog SupportWebWe’re excited to announce a significant update to the TripLog web dashboard, designed to enhance your experience and streamline your navigation. In addition to other improvements, we are introducing a new layout where the main navigation
timestamp1710439484876Introducing Batch Submission for Mileage and Expense Approvals!by TripLog SupportWebWe're excited to announce the release of a new batch submission system to streamline your team’s mileage and expense approval process! Batch submission allows admins in TripLog's web dashboard to group multiple expense entries and mileage